5 Tips to the Ultimate Beach Body


If you are planning a vacation to the beach this summer and only have a few weeks to get it in-shape, here is 5-tips to getting the Ultimate Beach Body:

1. Creating a work-out plan.

Creating the work-out plan consists of pulling out the pen & paper and setting a reasonable goal for yourself. The next step is developing a weekly chart specifying what days your planning to work-out, which should be 3-5 days per week for at least 30-45mins. If you have a gym membership I would advise you to consult with a personal trainer, if your like me and have access to a work-out room but only use it occasionally -it’s time to get better acquainted

2. Evaluating Your Calorie Intake.

To evaluate your calorie intake, I would first advise you to find out exactly how many calories you need a day to lose weight and still be healthy, so click here. Next, go out to your local nutritional store for free consultation, then head to your local Wal-Mart, target, wholes food, or any supermarket grocery store to evaluate the meal supplements and protein shakes available. Also, you have a wide variety of healthy lunch meals to choose from such as lean cuisines, & Healthy Choices. If you like healthy home-cook meals -like me- you may like the Healthy weeknight dinners and LifeHack, which contains over 100 quick and healthy foods.

Wondering how many calories your favorite food contains? Find out now! Food-O-Meter or Calorie-King.

3. Exercising.

If your planning to lose weight and/or tone-up then increasing your cardio work-out is the way to go. I suggest finding a treadmill, local park with a track, bicycling, swimming, or anything to keep you moving at a steady rate (30-minute jog burns 300 calories, jogging 3X times a week sheds 2 lbs a week); if you do not have access to the aforementioned then make room inside of your house, garage, or backyard, and purchase the Cardio Max work-out and train with the great professionals like Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels, and Ajay Rochester.

If you’re looking to get The Ultimate Beach Body in your arms, legs, and abs then it’s important to do repetitions. For instance, taking a 3-7 lb dumbbell weights (in first two pictures below) and performing front raises 10 times which is 1 full set, now try 3 sets of 10 reps. For legs, (in the third picture below) try completing 3 sets of 10 reps known as front lunges. For abs, (in the fourth picture) try the bicycle abs which consists of 3 sets of 30 reps.


Arms: Front Raises               Legs Front Lunges                           Abs: The Bicycle

4. Adjusting the Exercise Routine.

Eventually, you will need to increase the work-out to increase the same level of results you once saw. This is the make or break point, which often times cause people to crash and stop working out. It’s important to stay motivated and develop a mind over matter attitude. You may need to increase the level of that traditional 30-minute jog by sprinting (increasing jogging speed) occasionally throughout the 30-mins of jogging or simply add an extra 5 minutes to your traditional jog.

5. Maintaining a healthy balance.

Maintaining a healthy balance of food and regular exercise requires planning and effort. Once you’ve reached your goal, it’s important to continue working-out so that your body continues the proper break down of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats due to your increased level of metabolism, which also contributes to you having more energy during your everyday lifestyle. Managing these five-steps appropriately will put you in the category of a Ultimate Beach Body for 2011!

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